Wednesday, January 31, 2018

BMW i8 with Custom Joker-Themed Paint Job Asks for €249,000

BMW is known to work with artist around the world, from a variety of fields. The most widely known project started by the Bavarian brand involving art is, by far, the BMW Art Car venture, where plastic artists expressed their personality by painting on the generous shapes of classic cars. Stemming a couple of decades old, this practice is still alive and kicking today, with Cao Fei being the latest big name to showcase an impressive project under this umbrella. This BMW i8 is not an art car though.

You might be tempted to think otherwise but this project had nothing to do with official BMW channels. The artist behind it is called Rene Turrek and he is quite well known for putting together other interesting models in the past as well. For the i8 he decided to paint the famous DC-Universe Joker character as he saw fit. And while you may immediately think Heath Ledger, he decided to go with Jared Leto and his take on the villain for Suicide Squad.

The car has a thermo-sensitive paint on it and there hides its secrets when the hood is cold. However, let it bathe in the sun or throw some hot water on it and you’ll get to see the scary character come to surface. Furthermore, the i8 was hooked up with a system that, at the press of a button shines an outline of the DC comic villain’s face as it lights up. To top everything off, letters on the sides saying “ha ha” reflect light whenever a beam hits them, creating a psychedelic effect.

It all looks rather interesting and it can be yours, as the car is up for grabs at a dealer. However, the price tag might be a bit prohibiting, at €249,000 or about $310,000 at today’s exchange rates. It is a unique i8 but since a new one costs under $150,000 one may have to think twice before going all in.

The article BMW i8 with Custom Joker-Themed Paint Job Asks for €249,000 appeared first on BMW BLOG


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