Friday, September 30, 2016

{Friday Photo Bliss}

It is finally fall and we are once again enjoying the great outdoors!

Piper's underbite just kills me. It is so freaking adorable!

I am such a goofball. When he was a puppy and I brought him to the vet, the vet tech commented on his underbite. I immediately saw dollar signs dance in front of my eyes and asked "Oh no, does he need braces or something?"

The vet tech almost died laughing. "No," she said, "He just looks cute."

I guess I am sensitive because I have already have two boys with crooked teeth and didn't want to add a third set of braces. ;-)

I decided to bring out the "real camera" and practice back button focusing. Works pretty well with this lens. Unfortunately the mosquitoes (female mosquitoes only of course, the boys always remind me the male ones sip on nectar, not humans) were eating us up and we only had time to take a few shots.

We went for a morning walk to the park with my mom and Piper. Fall is here and it is cool and the sky was a deep blue.

Mom had an old film Canon Rebel that she gave to Duke. So he is shooting his first roll of film while learning how to use the camera. He commented that he prefers film because he knows he has to take time on each photo so he won't waste film. Also, we are always behind getting our digital prints printed (we are going to do it, just haven't done it yet!) so this way he will have actual photos for his album.

This is the kind of weather I live for. I love fall!

Pipe had so much fun on our two mile hike.

Now that it has cooled down we can have our fire pit family gatherings once again. The boys are both little pyros and love burning dead bamboo.

We have a very fancy outdoor kitchen. Our rusted-out fire pit and our small charcoal grill.  We used to have an electric smoker but it stopped working and we haven't replaced it yet. We live the high life!!!

See that green umbrella in the background? We can't open it because a bat has moved in. I noticed he became a bit concerned about the fire and flew out and around us a few times to let us know he was annoyed. We need to put up some bat houses in the back yard.

Now that my parents moved into town I can call them up last minute and invite them over for dinner. Well, I can call them, but my dad is the opposite of spontaneous so he wouldn't come with such short notice. But Mom, like our family, loves these last minute dinners. Or walks. Or going out to eat.

We had to sip on sparkling water since we are both doing the Whole30 again and can't drink any alcohol. Three days in, yay!!!

Piper loves Paul and is always giving him air kisses. LOVE!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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