On Friday I like to post recent snapshots that make me happy.
I was so excited when I saw this snail on the mailbox flag and I told the kids I would caption this photo "Snail Mail".
They looked at me blankly. I guess they are too young to know that we old geezers call real mail "Snail Mail".
We have had quite a bit of rain the last weeks. Rain during the summer not involving flooding or hurricanes makes me happy.
Paul forgot he isn't a kid anymore and was riding Imp's scooter and skidded through a puddle and had a spectacular crash.
It was scary AND fascinating since the crash was in two parts.
The first part of the crash had him flying through the air gracefully onto the blacktop.
Then for some unknown reason he rolled over a few times and then flew into the ditch. It was really weird and I have no idea why he was still flinging around the road like a chicken with its head cut off.
I just knew he had broken something. Probably his right hand so he wouldn't be able to work.
Thankfully he only had a small cut on his palm. But he decided he didn't want to ride the scooter anymore.
I am going to hide the boys' RipStiks.
We had dinner at my parent's house for 4th of July and I looked out their sliding glass door and saw a little friend peeking in.
Even though he probably wouldn't eat much he was not invited to join our party.
Imp enjoyed our redneck swimming pool. Add some water balloons and it is a "Staycation".
Duke was away all week on his Civil Air Patrol Encampment so I had to keep the other guys busy.
They did a great job cleaning my Grannymobile. I love my big old tank-of-a-car.
This is a vintage match holder from Paul's mom. It sits on the back of my stove, glaring at me. Seriously, look at it for a while and you can see it is possessed by an evil entity who wants to use those matches to burn down my house.
We had to fight the fog to pick up Duke from his week away.
The graduation was really impressive. I am in awe of all of these kids.
And yes, Imp is usually this happy.
Have a great weekend!!!
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