Friday, April 12, 2019

Video: BMW Formula E Drivers Become Gladiators Ahead of Rome Race

This weekend the BMW Formula E contingent will travel to Rome for the next stage of the current season. This will be the seventh race of the 2019 championship and BMW i Andretti Motorsport has plenty of work to do trying to defend driver Antonio Felix da Costa’s lead in the standings. The Geox Rome E-Prix will also be a good opportunity to see exactly where the two cars from BMW stand at the moment.

To get people’s attention ahead of the event and maybe score some points with the fans, the two BMW drivers racing in Formula E filmed a spot, posing as gladiators. After all, they will be racing in the city where these ancient, formidable fighters used to wow the crowds with their skills. The spot is rather funny though as you can easily see that the two are not really actors but they did seem to enjoy their new roles.

The track in Rome is the longest of the season, measuring 2.87 kilometers. It has 21 turns in total and is rated as a very-high difficulty track. That’s because it’s a very uneven track with lots of bumps, making it very demanding on the chassis and drive. The asphalt is also quite tricky as it varies across the length of the track. There’s also a 23-meter difference in altitude between the lowest and highest point while the pit lane is very narrow and long. As a matter of fact, the entire track is narrow, making overtaking difficult.

As you can see at the end of the video, you can vote for your favorite driver ahead of the race, thus giving him a boost. This is called FANBOOST. The five drivers with the most votes are awarded a burst of power, which they can deploy in a five-second window during the second half of the race. Fans can vote for their favorite driver in the six days prior to, and leading up to 15 minutes into, each race. Each fan can vote once per day. There are three ways to vote: Online at, via the official Formula E App or on Twitter using the hashtag #FANBOOST plus the drivers first and last name as a one-word hashtag.

The article Video: BMW Formula E Drivers Become Gladiators Ahead of Rome Race appeared first on BMW BLOG


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