Thursday, June 14, 2018

CoffeeShop "Woodlanders" Fine Art Texture Set!

Sorry I haven't been posting as often these last months. We have been busy, but I have also been feeling really worn down, mentally and physically.  I was blaming the heat (and boy is it hot!) or thought it was a hormone issue (I was shedding hair more than my dog), but found out I am anemic. Luckily this is an easy fix consisting of eating more iron-rich foods and taking iron pills, but it apparently takes some time to get back to normal. I have been taking iron for almost a month and just noticed I am getting some strength back, so I am on the mend! 

Of course, since I was feeling so lazy (and did I mention it is HOT), I wasn't exercising very much so I look and feel like a slug. But this week I have been taking long walks with the kids and I just started doing body weight exercises again. It feels so good to want to walk outside again. I had no idea how often woman become anemic during their child-bearing years, but if you start feeling worn down for no reason it is definitely something to get checked out. 

So now that I am back in the saddle, I plan on posting many more freebies\tutorials here on my blog. Today I have a brand new set of gorgeous fine art textures/overlays/papers. These can turn a simple photo into a work of art, or you can simply use them as gorgeous textures/digital papers on your work. 

I usually add them over my images in soft light, overlay, multiply, or screen blending modes. 

Photos used in this post: (Fog, Flower, Bird).

I would love too see what you do with them on my Facebook page!

Download the CoffeeShop "Woodlanders" Fine Art Texture Set!

Do you want to download my favorite CoffeeShop PSE/Photoshop Actions and Lightroom Presets or Design Elements in one convenient zipped file AND help support this blog? Just click here for my action pack or here for a download of some of my most popular design elements, storyboards, and textures.

For complete info on installing all of my actions, click here.

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