Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Never Forget Reflections

As a child and young adult September was my favorite month. It was the start of fall and cooler temperatures and the excitement of new classes and friends. It was my birth month and the beginning of the countdown to my favorite holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

But on September 11, 2001 everything changed. And I changed.

Today is a day to reflect not only on the tragedy that occurred that day, but also on the heroic men and women that risked everything to save lives, regardless of the cost.

This month also happens to be the peak of hurricane season and everyone living by the coast is on my mind.

I have lived most of my life about an hour-and-half drive from Galveston Island's beach. As a child hurricane season meant potential days off of school, candles and camping out in the house, the excitement of the howling winds and rain.

As an adult, hurricane season means going to the  grocery store to stock up on food and water. Pulling out the generator, making sure it works and filling up all of the extra gas containers. Getting together all of the flashlights and making sure you have plenty of batteries. Regretting that you have so many big trees around your house and wishing you had gotten them trimmed recently.

I sometimes wish I could go back to those times when I was an innocent child and 9/11 hadn't happened and my parents worried about preparing for hurricanes while my sisters and I dreamed that the rain would be heavy enough to flood our creek so we could miss a few days of school.

But I grew up and I realize that life can be scary and unpredictable, that no matter how much I want to have control I don't. All I can do is prepare for the worst and pray for the best.

I hope everyone is safe and prepared. Life is full of risks and rewards, and is so beautiful. And on this day of remembrance I am going to make sure I take time to appreciate all of that beauty.

from The CoffeeShop Blog https://ift.tt/2MmI2nq

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