A special thanks to my husband Paul who flies the plane and edits all our videos. Please subscribe to his Texas Gooney Bird YouTube channel if you are interested in following our adventures. It would make his day!
It was a gorgeous weekend in the beginning of October so we decided to take a little day trip to Nacogdoches, TX. The flight is about an hour so that would give us plenty of time to explore the town.
There were some scattered clouds that day and they looked so gorgeous up there.
These clouds look a lot closer in this photo than they actually were.
We flew over Lake Livingstone. You can see the dam in this photo.
Talking about dams, I will never forget when we took a family trip to Las Vegas and I had to book a "Dam Tour" for the Hoover Dam. I kept on cracking up when I was ordering it on the phone.
"I want to order tickets for the "Dam Tour" for four.
OK, you want four tickets to the "Dam Tour"?
"Yes, thank you. How much are the children tickets for the "Dam Tour"?
And it went on and on. And I was greatly amused and it made my day because I am a nerd and like cursing without really cursing.
I always get excited when we see the airport. Before we locate it there are always a few minutes of:
"Is that the airport?"
"No, that isn't the airport, but I think it see it over there."
"Wait, I think I see it now! Oh, that isn't it."
"There it is!"
And I breathe a sigh of relief that someone finally found the airport.
I also love watching Paul land the plane. He sets it down so much smoother than the guys flying the commercial jets.
Fill-er-up! Since the Gooney is small and basic she doesn't use much fuel. She almost gets the same mileage as my car.
A L Mangham Jr. Regional Airport has a courtesy car and if you buy gas you can borrow it. Another perk of flying!
Of course everyone was starving so we decided to try out a new-to-us Mexican Restaurant called El Ranchero.
I cracked up when I read on the menubar sign that adults can get two free margaritas per meal They apparently don't have a liquor license and can't sell alcohol so they also allow customers to BYOA (bring your own alcohol).
Pilots can't drink 8 hours before flying so Paul was out. And once I figured out how much sugar was in a margarita (especially the watered-down free ones!) they lost all their thrill. Give me a nice wine or dirty martini. But I just told Paul I wasn't drinking because he wasn't drinking. ;-)
The food was inexpensive and decent. I would go back.
We decided to take the short drive to downtown Nacogdoches. It is really a beautiful historic town.
We had some coffee and the boys shared a milkshake at Dolli's Diner. The coffee was good but they only had artificial-flavored fake creamer so I had to have mine with milk. It really irks me when a place advertises they sell coffee and they don't have real creamer. So next time I will try out Java Jack's.
The milkshake apparently was quite delicious.
There are many really interesting buildings in town.
Luke is already as tall as me. 5'7" and only 12...
And there are also many fun things to explore. Notice that Paul is always getting in some extra exercise. Yes, he is a bit odd, but I still love him. I guess he can't judge me for skipping on free margaritas. ;-)
The weather was warm and the day was beautiful and we really enjoyed walking around. Many of the businesses were closed, but there was some really nice window-shopping opportunities. They also had quite a few antique stores but I knew I couldn't bring anything home that was larger than a shoebox.
We went to the visitor center and studied some of the local history.
Nacogdoches historical is very interesting. It was the first actual "town" in Texas, founded in 1779. That is OLD in Texas history.
Just before we had to head back to the airport Luke was able to get a free drum lesson. These guys were really nice.
But all good trips have to come to an end and shortly later we were packed back in our seats ready to head back home.
And what a view!
Finally we see Hook airport in the distance.
And Paul gently puts down the Gooney Bird.
It was perfect day with the family.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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